α’αΈαααΆαα ID: 215181 α ααα½αααΎα:
π Β π« Twin Villa for Rent at Borey The Star Premier 598 / ααΈα‘αΆααααα αααααΆαααα½ααααα»ααα»ααΈ ααααα α½α ααΉααααΆ ααααΈαααα 598
π° ααααα / Rental Price: $850 (nego)
β‘οΈ ααααααααα / Bedrooms: 4
β‘οΈ ααααααααΉα / Bathrooms: 5
β‘οΈααα αααΈΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β :Β 6m x 12m
β‘οΈααα αααααΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β : 8m x 22m
β‘οΈααααααΆααααααΆααααα/ have fullΒ Furniture
β‘οΈEasy to rent forΒ Living
βοΈ αααααΆααααααααΆααααα’α·α / Detail Information:
π² ααΆααααααα : 085493148
π² ααΆαααα‘αααααΆα: https://t.me/samphorsmon168