ថ្ងៃដាក់ផ្សាយ: 22/02/2025
អីវ៉ាន់ ID: 288870    ចំនួនមើល:

បេស ឆយ ជួលរថយន្ត យេីងខ្ញុំមានសេវាកម្មជួលរថយន្ត ជូនអតិថិជនតាមតម្រូវការប្រេីប្រាស់ លក្ខណៈការងារ គ្រួសារ និងដំណេីរកំសាន្តផ្សេងៗ។

Best Choice Car Rental, We are happy to provide car rental service for the work, family and other traveling tourist destinations hiring as per you wanted.

Here are different type of vehicles are still available:

1: Lexus RX 300 (2001-02)
2: Lexus RX 330 (2004-05)
3: Lexus LX 470 (1999-01)
4: Toyota Highlander (2001-02)
5: Toyota Hiace or Hyundai H1 (2018-22)
6: Hyundai Solati 2022
7: Bus 25-45 seater (2010 and up)

Feel free to contact us as below details if you need any support.
Smart: 070 7055 44
Metfone: 067 8888 57
Cellcard: 092 850 225
Whats App / Telegram: +855-70705544
Email: bestchoicecarrental9@gmail.com
Website: www.bestchoicecarrental.travel.blog

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Phnom Penh city, Cambodia
