ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα ααΉαααα’αα _ ααααααα½α: $ 700 (α αα αΆα) _ααα αααΈ β: 4,2m x 23m _ ααα ααααα:β 4,2m x 18m _β ααααααααα: 2 _ ααααααααΉα:β 1 _ ααααα»α: 5m _ αααααα: E0 π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’ αα·αααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆααα π ααΆααααααααΆααα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααααα πααααα»αααααΌααΆα ααΆααααα½α _English Below_ Shophouse for rent at Tek La ak _ Price for rent: $ 700 (negotiable) _ Land βsize: 4.2m x 23m _ House size: 4.2m x 18m _ Bedroom: 2 _ Bathroom: 1 _ In front: 5m _ Story:Β E0 only π‘Features of the house πGood location,near market and school πGood for all Business πLarge front, easy to parking #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline:061888101 / 061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
π‘ αααααα½αααΌαααΆ 160$/αα 2 ααααααααα 3 ααααααααΉα βοΈ 093 241 555 ααα‘αααααΆα
Phnom Penh
π ααααα’αΆααΈααααα2ααααααααααΆαααα½ααα βααΎααααΌα 271 -ααααααα½α: 2800β αα»ααααΆ/αα (α αα αΆα) -ααα αααΈββ: 8α x 20α -ααα ααααα: 8αβ xβ 16α -ααααααααα: 2 -ααααααααΉα:β 6 -ααΆααα»αααα: 6α -ααΆααααααααα: 2α >αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα πααΈααΆααααα’ααΆααΈααααα»ααα ααα’αααααΆααααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααβ α¬ββ αααα»αα αα»αααΆα αα·αααααΆαααΆααΆααα αα·αβ αααααΈααααα α ________English Below__________ π 2 Shop house for rent at St.271 -Price for rent: $2800/month (negotiable) -Land size: 8m x 20m -House size: 8m x16m -Bedroom: 2 -Bathroom: 6 -In front: 6m -Back: 2m >Contract long-term πGood location for all business, near school, hospital and market. #For more information can contact: βοΈααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888110/061888101/061888107/095888107 Telegram: 060573820 @Sreunuch888 π© Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group: https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααΆαααα½αββ βαα αα»ααΈαα·α’ααααΈααα 2004 β π ααΈααΆααααα’ ααααα ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαααααΆαααα ααααααααααΆαα»αααΆα ααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆααααα»αααΆαααααα ααααααΆααα’αΆα ααΎαααΆααΆαα·ααΆαααααΆααΎαα β’β ααααααα½α: $1000 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ: 6m x 23m β’β ααα ααααα: 4.2m x 16m β’ ααααααααα: 4 β’ ααααααααΉα : 5 β’ ααααα»α: 6m β’ αααααΆαα 1.8m β’ αααααααα: 2m β’ββ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ________English Below__________ Shophouse Corner for Rent at Borey Orkide 2004 π Good location near schools, and hospitals, can living for comfortable, security to live and can open an office. β’ Price for Rent : $1000 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 6m x 23m β’ House size: 4.2m x 16m β’ Bedroom: 4 β’ Bathroom: 5 β’β In front: 5m β’β Back: 2m β’β Side: 1.8m β’ Contract long term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107 / 061888105 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αααααΌαβ 598 _ ααααααα½α: $1,000 (α αα αΆα) _ααα αααΈ β: 4m x 28m _ ααα ααααα: 4m x 18m _β ααααααααα: 4 _ ααααααααΉα:β 5 _ ααααα»α: 6m _ αααααααα: 4 _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΆααααααΌααα πααΆααααααα»ααααααΆααααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααα πααΆαα αααααααΌααΆα βββEnglish Belowββ- Shophouse for rent at street 598 _ Price for rent: $1,000 (negotiable) _ Land βsize: 4m x 28m _ House size: 4m x 18m _ Bedroom: 4 _ Bathroom: 5 _ In front: 6m _ Back: 4m _ Contract Long-Term π‘Features of the house πGood location,next the main road πGood for all business πParking available #For For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
π Shop house for rent βLocation Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Sno Project 7 Polaris 2 β Rental price: $ 700 / Month β Land size: 4.5m x 21m β House size: 4.5m x 16m Remaining land 5m in front and 2m behind β 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms β East facing house β Fully equipped πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sokhorn_Agency79 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
αα½ααααΈα’αααααΆααα’ααααααΆ αααα»αααΆαααααααααααααααΆαααα½α αααα»ααα»ααΈαααααΉαααααΈ ααααΌαααααΌαααααΆα 20α αααααα’αΆα α α αΆαααΆα αααααααΆαααααα 070929679
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα½αααααΌα β’ ααααααα½α : $550 α αα αΆααΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 27m β’ ααα ααααα: 4m x 25m β’ ααααααααα : 4/ ααααααααΉα : 4 β’β ααααα»α 2m πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα α’αΆα ααααΎααΆααΆαα·ααΆααα, α αΆαααΆα ααα, α αααΆαααΆαααΈ α¬ααΆα‘α ααα ββ-English belowββ Shophouse for rentβ at Toul Tum Pung β’ Price for rent: $550 negotiable . Land size: 4m x 27m . House size: 4m x 25m β’ Bedrooms: 4/ Bathrooms: 4 β’ In front 2m π Good location, downtown area,Can to do Coffee shop, Cloth shop,Pharmacy Or Salon. β‘οΈFor more information can contact: βοΈααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams: 060573820 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel : https://t.me/iquickrealty
Tuol Tom poung
β‘αααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα αα½αααα πααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααΈααααα»ααα ααΆααααα·αααΎαααΆαα·ααΆααα α¬αααααΆα ααααΆααα (αα ααΆααααα»αααααααααΌααΆα)αβ _αααααααΌα: $ 3,200 (α αα αΆα) _ααα αααΈ β: 13m x 23m _ ααα ααααα:β 13m x 17m _β ααααααααα: 9 _ ααααααααΉα:β 9 _ αααααΆααα»α:5m _ααααααΆαααααα:1m _ αααααα: E0-E5 _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα _English Below_ β‘flat houseΒ for rent at Toul kork πGood location ,downtown area, suitable for office or residence (inside The mainΒ house) _ Price for rent: $ 3,200 (negotiable) _ Land β size: 13m x 23m _ House size: 13m x 17m _ Bedroom: 9 _ Bathroom: 9 _ In front: 5m _Back: 1m Furniture : _ Story:Β E0-E5 _ Contract Long-Term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 099880804 @Sreymey01 Hotline:061888101 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα½αααααΌα ααΆααΈααΆααααα’ α’αΆα ααΎαα’αΆααΈααααααΆαααααααααααα β’ ααααααα½α: $1,500 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ :4.1m x 35m β’ ααα ααααα : 4.1m x 30m β’ ααααααααα : 2 β’ ααααααααΉα : 3 β’ ααΆααα»αααα: 5m β’ αααααΆααβ: ααΆα‘α»αααΎα‘αα»α; ααααα‘, ααΌαααα’αΆαα‘, αααΆαααΈααααααΆαα α’ β’ αα»αααααΆ3ααααΆαααα3αα ___English Below_ Business house for rent at Toul Tum Pung, can open all kinds of business. β’ Price for rent: $1,5α 0 negotiable β’ Land size:4.1m x 35m β’ House size : 4.1m x 30m β’ Bedrooms: 2 β’ Bathrooms: 3 β’ in front: 5m β’ Furniture : Sofa 1 set , Bed 1 , Wardrobe 1, Air conditioner 2 β’ Contract 3years Deposit 3month π₯Contact telegram: 0969208686 @Sreynech99 Hotline: 061888107/ 061 888 101/ 095 888 107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com
Tuol Tom poung
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αββ βαα αα·αααΆααΆαα·α ααΌ πααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααααΆαβ ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααααΌα ααΆ showroom α αΆαααΆα ααα α αΆαααααααα·αααααααααΆαααααα ααα β’β ααααααα½α: $600 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ: 4,2m x 23m β’β ααα ααααα: 4,2m x 20m β’ ααααααααα : 1 (α‘α ααΏ) β’ ααααααααΉα : 1 β’ ααααα»α: 3m β’ββ αα»αααααΆα£ααααΆαα‘αΎα ________English Below__________ Shophouse for Rent at Near Institute of Technology π Good location near market, school, hospital, easy to do all kinds of business such as showroom, cafe, shop, etc. β’ Price for Rent : $600 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 4,2m x 23m β’ House size: 4,2m x 20m β’ Bedrooms: 1 β’ Bathrooms: 1 β’β In front: 3m β’ Contract for 3years #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107 / 061888101 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααα αααααΆαααα½ααα αα»ααΈ KHM ααααα»αααααΆαααααΎα Kmall ααΈααΆααααααΌααα ααΆααααα½αααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααααα ααα»αααα ααα αΌαα αααΎα ααααααα½α: $1,400 α α αΆαααΆα ααα αααΈ: 4.2m x 22m ααα ααααα: 4.2m x 18m ααααααααα: 3 ααααααααΉα: 4 ααΆααα»αααα: 6m αααααΆαααααα: 2.5m #αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888107/061888101 __ English Below ____ Shophouses for rent at Borey KHM in front of K Mall Price rent : 1,400$ nego. Land size: 4.2m x 22m House size: 4.2m x 18m Bedroom : 3 Bathroom: 4 Furniture: 0 In front: 5m Back: 2.5m Contract for long term πFor More information 061888101/ 061888105 /061888107 / 095888107 βοΈTelegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group: https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβαα ααΉαααα’αα β’ ααααααα½α : $650 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 18m β’ ααα ααααα : 4m x 12m β’ ααααααααα: 6/ ααααααααΉα: 5 β’ββ ααΆααα»α: 4m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ==>ααΈααΆααααα’ αα αααααααααΆα α’αΆα ααααΆαααα αα·αα’αΆα αααααα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαααΆα αααΎαααααααα βββ-English belowβββ Shophouse for rent at Tek L’ak β’ Price for rent: $650 negotiable β’ Land size : 4m x 18m β’ House size: 4m x 12m β’ Bedrooms : 6/ Bathrooms: 5 β’ In front : 4m β’ Contract long term ==> Good location near the market can living and can open another business. π₯Contact telegram: 077399194 Hotline: 061888107/061888105/095888107
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αααααααααααΈ ααααα»α β π ααΈααΆααααα’ ααααααα’αΆα αα ααααα ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααα β’β ααααααα½α: $900 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ: 4,2m x 23m β’β ααα ααααα: 4,2m x 16m β’ ααααααααα: 4 β’ ααααααααΉα : 4 β’ ααααα»α: 5m β’ αααααααα: 2m β’ ααΆα3ααΆαα ________English Below__________ Shophouse for rent at Phnom Penh Tmey Sen Sok π Good location Clean house near schools, and hospitals, convenient for all kinds of business. β’ Price for Rent : $900 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 4.2m x 23m β’ House size: 4.2m x 16m β’ Bedroom: 4 β’ Bathroom: 4 β’β In front: 5m β’β Back: 2m β’ E0-E2 #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 081960530 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107 / 061888105 /095888107
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ ααααΆααα½αααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα βαααααααααΆα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααααααβ _ ααααααα½α: $ 1,000 (α αα αΆα) _ααα αααΈ β: 3.8m x 30m _ ααα ααααα:β 3.8m x 25m _β ααααααααα: 3 _ ααααααααΉα:β 3 _ ααααα»α: 5m _ αααααα: E0-E2 _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα _English Below_ Shophouse for rent at Phsar Toul Kork πGood location, downtown location, near market ,easy to open for all business. _ Price for rent: $ 1,000 (negotiable) _ Land βsize: 3.8m x 30m _ House size: 3.8m x 25m _ Bedroom: 3 _ Bathroom: 4 _ In front: 5m _ Story:Β E0-E2 _ Contract Long-Term #For For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆαααΎααα πααααααα½αβ: $1,750 (α αα αΆα) _ ααα αααΈ: 4.2m x 28m _ ααα ααααα:β 4.2m x 18m _ αααααααααβ: 2, ααααααααΉα: 3 _ββ ααααα»α: 10m _αααααΆαα: αααΆαααΈααααααΆαα3 π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΆααααααΌααα αα·αααααΆα π ααΆααααααααΆααα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααααα πααααα»αααααΌααΆα ααΆααααα½α ____English Below____ Shophouse for rent at Phsar Derm kor πPrice for rent: $1,750 negotiable _ Land size: 4.2m x 28m _ House size: 4.2m x 18m _ Bedroom:β 2, Bathroom: 3 _ In front: 10m _Air Conditioner:3 π‘Features of the house πGood location,next the main road,near market πGood for all Business πLarge front, easy to parking ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel : https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααα ααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα½αααααΆααααα πααααααα½αβ: $1800 (α αα αΆα) _ ααα αααΈ:Β 8.8m x 23m _ ααα ααααα:β 8.8m x 20m _ αααααααααβ: 2 , ααααααααΉα: 2 _ββ ααααα»α: 3m, π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΆααααααΌααα αα·αααααΆα π ααα’αααααΆααα’αΆααΈααααα __English Below__ Shophouse Conner for rent at Toul Svay Pray πPrice for rent: $1800 negotiable _ Land size:Β 8.8mΓ23m _ House size:Β 8.8m x 20m _ Bedroom:β 2, Bathroom: 2 _ In front: 3m π‘Features of the house πGood location,Next the main road,near market π Good for all Business ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams:060573820 @Sreynuch888 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel :Β https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα αα½αααααΌα #ααααααααΈααα’αΆα ααΈααΆααααα’ ααΎααααΌααα αα·αααααΆαββ ααΆααΆααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααα β’ ααααααα½α : $1800 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 21.8m β’ ααα ααααα : 4m x 15m β’ ααααααααα : 3 β’ ααααααααΉα : 3 β’ ααααα»α: 6m β’ αααααααα: 0.8m >αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα __English Below_____ Shophouse for rent at Toul Tum Pung #Clean house,Good location next to the main road near market school, good forβbusiness. β’ Price for rent: $1800 negotiable . Land size: 4m x 21.8m β’ House size: 4m x 15m β’ Bedrooms: 3 β’ Bathrooms: 3 β’ In Front: 6m . Back: 0.8m > Contract Long-term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107/061888110/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Toul Tompoung
αααααααααα’αΆααΈαααααααααΆαααα½ααααα»ααα»ααΈααΈαααα»αααααΌαααΆαα·6Aαα ααΎααααΌααααα»ααΈααααααα ααΆααΈααΆααααα’ααΆααααα½ααααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααααα·αααΎαααΆααΆαα·ααΆαααααΆαα π₯ αααααα½α : 650$ ( α αα αΆαααΆα) – ααα αααΈ : 4.2m x 25m – ααα ααααα : 4.2m x 16m – ααααααααα : 5 – ααααααααΉα : 6 – αα»αααααΆα αΆααααΈ1ααααΆαα‘αΎα – ααΆααααΆαααΆααα½αααααααΆαααααααααΌαααααΆααααααααα 0965230075 / 085493148 ααααααααΆα https://t.me/samphorsmon168 #Freelancesensok
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα α’αΌαα‘αΆααα·α πααααααα½αβ: $850 (α αα αΆα) _ ααα αααΈ: 4m x 27m _ ααα ααααα:β 4m x 23m _ αααααααααβ: 7 , ααααααααΉα: 8 _ββ ααααα»α: 4.5m π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΈααααα»ααα αα·αααααΆα π ααα’αααααΆααααΆαααααΆαααα ,ααΎαααΆαα·ααΆααα πααααα»αααααΌααΆα ααΆααααα½αα ααααααα ____English Below____ Shophouse for rent at Olympic πPrice for rent: $850 negotiable _ Land size: 4m x 27m _ House size: 4m x 23m _ Bedroom:β 7, Bathroom: 8 _ In front: 4m π‘Features of the house πGood location,downtown,near market π Good for living,and office π Large front, easy to parking ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel : https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh