ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α2αααααββαααα»αααΌα βαα αα»ααΈαα·ααΆαααααααα β π ααΈααΆααααα’ ααααα ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα παα ααΈααααα»ααα ααΆαααααααααααα ααΆαα·ααΆααααα·ααααααΆααααΆαααααΆαααα ααΆααααα½ααααααΆααα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααααα α β’β ααααααα½α: $1100 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ: 8.4m x 21m β’β ααα ααααα: 8.4m x 16m β’ ααααααααα: 8 β’ ααααααααΉα : 10 β’ αααααααΌαααΌααααααΆααααα β’ ααααα»α: 4m β’ αααααααα: 1m β’ββ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ________English Below__________ Shophouse for Rent at Borey Vimean Phnom Penh π Good location near schools, and hospitals π In the town near the Market, there is an office decoration and Stay, easy to do business. β’ Price for Rent : $1100 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 8.4m x 21m β’ House size: 8.4m x 16m β’ Bedroom: 8 β’ Bathroom: 10 β’ furniture: Full β’β In front: 4m β’β Back: 1m β’ Contract long term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram:060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107 / 061888101 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα·αααααΆαααΆαααΆα πααααααα½αβ: $1000 (α αα αΆα) _ ααα αααΈα 4m x 23m _ ααα ααααα: 4m x 16m _ αααααααααβ: 8, ααααααααΉα: 9 _ββ ααααα»α: 5m _ αααααα E0,E1,E2 π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΎααααΌαα’αΆααΈααααα πβαα αααααααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆααα π α’αΆα ααΎαααΆαααΆα ααααΈαα·α α¬ααΆαααα»αα αα»αααΆα __English Below__ Shophouse for rent near phsar neak meas πPrice for rent: $1000 negotiable _ Land size : 4m x 23m _ House size : 4m x 16m _ Bedroom: 8, Bathroom: 9 _ In front: 5m _ Story: E0,E1,E2 π‘Features of the house πGood location πNear market And School π Can open mart, Clinic or Company… ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams:β 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel :Β https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆααααααΆαII π°ααααααα½α α 2000αα»ααααΆ /αα(αα½ααα»α) π°ααααααα½αα 1800αα»ααααΆ /αα (ααααΉαE0) – ααα αααΈ α 4.2α x 26.2α – ααα ααααα α 4.2α x 20α, αααααΈαα»α 5α, αααααΆαααααα 1.2m – ααααααΆα 8 ααααααααα αα·α ααααααααΉα 8 >αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα πͺααααΆααααααΆαα π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααααααα’αΆα πααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαα’αΆααΈααααααααααα ααΉα ααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆαα πα αΆααααα·α ααΆαα·ααΆααα αααα’αΆαααΆα αααΆααΆα ααααΈαα·α ααΆααΎαα« ααΆα’αΆααΈαααααααααααα ββββββ{English Below}ββββββ- Shophouse for rent at Phsar kondal II πGood location for all business , near market and school . π°Price For rent: $2000 Nego(E0,E3) π°Price For rent: $1800 Nego(Only E0) – Land Size: 4.2m x 26.2m – Home size : 4.2m x 20m – Bedroom: 8 and Bathroom: 8 >Contract long-Term π‘Features of the house πHouse clean πeasy for all business as office company, wedding planner π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107 / 061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααα 2ααααα αααααΆαααα½α
$1,200/monthααααα’αΆααΈααααα 2ααααα αααααΆαααα½α (ααΎααααΌαααα 42) * ααααααα½α 1,200$ α αα αΆ * ααΆααα»ααααα 15αααααα * 8ααααααααα αα·α 10 ααααααααΉα ααααααααααΆαα»ααα – ααΎαααααΈαα·α – ααΎαααΆααΆααα – ααΎαα’ααααΆα – ααΎααααα»αα αα»α – ααΆαα·αααΆααα αα·α – α’αΆααΈααααααααααα ααΈααΆααααα’α – ααΆαααΎαααααααααΌαααΆααααααα»α 100αααααα – ααΌαα·αααααΆααα’αΆαααα αααααΆαααͺα‘αα ααααααααΌα – ααααΌα 50αααααα ααααΌαααα 42 π©αααααΆααααααααΆαααααααααΌαααΆαααα α βοΈ 092 888 793 (Telegram) βοΈ 096 6666 321 #Merith Brokerage co.ltd
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβαα ααααΌα271 β’ ααααααα½α : $1800 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αΈααΈ : 8.4m x 21m β’ ααα ααααα : 8.4m x 14m β’ ααααααααα: 8/ ααααααααΉα: 4 β’ββ ααΆααα»α: 7m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ==>ααΈααΆααααα’ αα αααααααααΆα α’αΆα ααΎαααΆααααΈαα·α αα·αα’αΆα ααΎαααΆαααα»αα αα»αααΆααΎαα βββ-English belowβββ Shophouse for rent at St.271 β’ Price for rent: $1800 negotiable β’ Land size: 8.4m x 21m β’ House size : 8.4m x 14m β’ Bedrooms : 8/ Bathrooms: 4 β’ In front : 7m β’ Contract long term ==> Good location near the market can open clinic and can open company. π₯Contact telegram: 0969208686 Hotline: 061888101/061888107/061888105/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα ααααΌαααααα βπααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααααΆαβ ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααα β’ ααααααα½α: $1100 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 30m β’ ααα ααααα : 4m x 23m β’ ααααααααα : 8 β’ ααααααααΉα : 9 β’ ααΆααα»αααα: 6m β’ ααΆααααααααα: 1m β’ αααααα: E0 + E1+E2 β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ________English Below________ Shophouse forβ rent at Street Tep Phorn πGood Location near market, school,hospital can to do all business. β’ Price for Rent : $1100 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 30m β’ Houses size: 4m x 23m β’ Bedrooms: 8 β’ Bathrooms: 9 β’ In front : 6m β’ Back : 1m β’ Contract Long-Term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107/061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
π‘π‘ House For Rent αααααααααΆαααα½α αααα·ααα ααααααα»ααΆααΆαααΆαααΆααΈααααααα ααΎααααΌα 213 ααααααα 26AB ααΌαα· 08 αααααΆαα ααΆαααα αααα 7ααααΆ αααα»α ααααααα π ααα αααΈ : Land Size : ( 8.20 x 25)m π ααα ααααα : House Size : ( 8 x 16 )m π αααααα : Bedroom: 8 Bathroom: 10 π αααααααΉα : Hard TD παααα : Price : 1,300$/αα αααααα·ααα Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Yq6iHHySemAend8a7 * * αααααααα·αα ααααααΆαααΈαααα»ααα αααα»ααααααααΆαααααααα·α αα ααΆααααα½αααααα ααα»αααααααα αα»ααα·α ααΆαααααΆα ααΆαααΆααΆααα αααααααααΆααα’αααααΆαααΆαααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΎαααα»αα αα»α ααΊααα’αΆααΈααααααααααα ααΆαα·αααααΆα αα·αααααΆαααααΎα Citymall ααααΆαααααΎα The Olympia Mall ααΉααα·α αα α»ααΈα‘αΆααααΆαααΆαα·α’αΌα‘αΆααα·α ααααααα αΆααααααΆα ααααΆαααααΎα αααααααΆαααΆααααα½ααααα’αααααααα ααΆααα’ααα αααααΆααααααααΆααααααα ααΌαααααΆααααααααΆααααααΌαααααα 089 888 970 / 090 888 918 / 023 235 335 Email: info@eternitytitle.com #ETC #EternityTitleCompany
αααα 7ααααΆ
ααααααααΆαααα½α αααααΆααααα»ααααααΆα ααααα’αΌαααΆαα αααΆααα’αΆαααααα α’αΆα ααΆαααααααααα αΆααααααΆαα 096 300 39 99 / 012 630 766 / 097 840 33 51 ααΆαααα‘αααααΆα π₯2500$/1αα ααΆαααααααΆαααααΌαα·α αα ααΆααααααΉα ααααΌαααα αααα»ααα·ααααΆααΆαABAαα,αα·αααααΆα ααα, ααααα ααΆα ααα,α αΆααααα ααΆα ααα…ααααααααΆα ααΎααααα αα5-10ααΆααΈ αααααααΆαα αΆαα αα·αααΆααααααααΈα ααΆαααααααα’αααααΆαααααααα’αΆααΈααααα ααααααΆαααααααα2αααααΉαααααα ααΆα5αααααα ααααΌααααααα’αΆα αααααΆααααΆαααΆα
α αΆαα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααΉαααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΈααααα»ααα αα·αααααΆα ααΆααΆααα ααΆαααα’αΆααΈαααααααΆααααααααααααααΌα ααΆ ααΎα αΆααααααΆα αα’αΆαα ,α’αΆα αΆαβαααΌβα ααα,α¬αααααΈαααααΆα…α π°ααααααα½α α $1,000 αα»ααααΆ (α αα αΆα) – ααα αααΈ αα·αβ α αΆα α 28m x 40m β, αααααΈαα»α 4m – ααααααααα 8αα·α ααααααααΉα 11 – ααΆααααααααααα – αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα βββ{English Below}βββ- Shophouse for rent at Boeng baitang πGood location, downtown, near market, school, suitable for all kinds of business, such as barbecue, buffet, or restaurant . π°Price For rent : $1,000 /month – Land and Shop size : 28m x 40mΒ , In front: 4m – Bedrooms: 8 and Bathrooms: 11 – Have some Decor – Contract Long-term #For more information can contact: Telegram: 099880804 @Sreymey01π©π© βοΈHotline: 061888101/061888105/061888110 / 061888107/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆααααααΆII π°ααααααα½α α 2000αα»ααααΆ /αα(αα½ααα»α) π°ααααααα½αα 1800αα»ααααΆ /αα (ααααΉαE0) – ααα αααΈ α 4.2α x 26.2α – ααα ααααα α 4.2α x 20α, αααααΈαα»α 5α, αααααΆαααααα 1.2m – ααααααΆα 8 ααααααααα αα·α ααααααααΉα 8 >αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα πͺααααΆααααααΆαα π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααααααα’αΆα πααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαα’αΆααΈααααααααααα ααΉα ααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆαα πα αΆααααα·α ααΆαα·ααΆααα αααα’αΆαααΆα αααΆααΆα ααααΈαα·α ααΆααΎαα« ααΆα’αΆααΈαααααααααααα ββββββ{English Below}ββββββ- Shophouse for rent at Phsar kondal II πGood location for all business , near market and school . π°Price For rent: $2000 Nego(E0,E3) π°Price For rent: $1800 Nego(Only E0) – Land Size: 4.2m x 26.2m – Home size : 4.2m x 20m – Bedroom: 8 and Bathroom: 8 >Contract long-Term π‘Features of the house πHouse clean πeasy for all business as office company, wedding planner π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107 / 061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα αα½αααααΌα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΎααααΌααα αααααααααΆαβ ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα α’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆααααααααααααααΌα ααΆβ α αααΆα»αααΆαααΈβ α αΆαααΆα ααα αααΆα ααΆα‘α α¬α αΆαααααααα·αααααααβα π° ααααααα½α : $3200 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ: 8m x 30m β’ ααα ααααα: 8m x 20m β’ ααααααααα:8 β’ ααααααααΉα:8 β’ ααΆααα»ααααβ: 10m β’ ααΆααααααααα: 2m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ββEnglish Belowββ Shophouse for rent at Toul Tom Pong π Good location on the main road, near market, school, hospital, can do all kinds of business, such as pharmacy, cafe, mart, salon or other shops. . Price for rent: $3200 negotiable β’ Land size: 8m x 30m β’ House size:8m x 20m β’ Bedroom: 8 β’ Bathroom: 8 β’ In front: 10m β’ Back: 2m β’ Contract long term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107/061888110/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Toul Tompoung
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα ααΉαααΆα‘αΆα βπααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααααΆαβ ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααα β’ ααααααα½α: $950 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ : 5m x 25m β’ ααα ααααα : 5m x 18m β’ ααααααααα : 8 β’ ααααααααΉα : 10 β’ ααΆααα»αααα: 7m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ________English Below________ Shophouse forβ rent at Boeng Salang πGood Location near market, school,hospital can to do all business. β’ Price for Rent : $950 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 5m x 25m β’ Houses size: 5m x 18m β’ Bedrooms: 8 β’ Bathrooms: 10 β’ In front : 7m β’ Contract Long-Term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107/ 061888101 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα·αααααΆαααΆαααΆα πααααααα½αβ: $1000 (α αα αΆα) _ ααα αααΈα 4m x 23m _ ααα ααααα: 4m x 16m _ αααααααααβ: 8, ααααααααΉα: 9 _ββ ααααα»α: 5m _ αααααα E0,E1,E2 π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΎααααΌαα’αΆααΈααααα πβαα αααααααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆααα π α’αΆα ααΎαααΆαααΆα ααααΈαα·α α¬ααΆαααα»αα αα»αααΆα __English Below__ Shophouse for rent near phsar neak meas πPrice for rent: $1000 negotiable _ Land size : 4m x 23m _ House size : 4m x 16m _ Bedroom: 8, Bathroom: 9 _ In front: 5m _ Story: E0,E1,E2 π‘Features of the house πGood location πNear market And School π Can open mart, Clinic or Company… ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams:β 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel :Β https://t.me/iquickrealty
Β ID Number: SR β 00160S Β Rental Price: $5,500/Month (Negotiable) Β Deposit Required: 6 Months/5 Years Β Distance from Old Market: 4 Minutes Β Land Size (w x l): 30m x 28m Β Floors: 3 Β Building Orientation: South ———————————————————————- Utilities: Β Electricity Price: 770 KHR/KWh Β Water: Well & City Β Cable TV: Not included Β Internet Connection: Not included Β Garbage Collection: Not included ———————————————————————- Additional Featured: Β Bedroom (s): 26 Β Bathroom (s): 26+ Β Balcony (s): Yes Β Kitchen (s): Yes Β Swimming Pool (s): Yes Β Garden: Yes Β Parking Area: Yes Β Fence: Yes Β Air-conditioned (s): Yes Β Hot Water (s): Yes Β Fan (s): Yes Β Washing Machine (s): Yes Β Fridge (s): Yes Β Sofa (s): Yes Β TV (s): Yes Β Bed (s): Yes Β Mattress (s): Yes Β Wardrobe (s): Yes Β Bedside Table (s): Yes Β Coffee Table (s): Yes Β Dining Table (s): Yes Β Gas Stove Set (s): Yes βBackup Generator (s): Yes Β Moreβ¦β¦.. ———————————————————————- For property inspection, please drop a message, an email or call us at: Β Tel: +855 (0)95 46 46 76 Β Email: Inquiryatproperties@gmail.com Β To Visit More Properties:Β https://bit.ly/2srPu96
Siem Reap
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αββ βαα αα½αααα β πααΈααΆααααα’β αααααααΈααααα»ααα αα ααΎααααΌαααββ αααααααΆααΆαααβ ααααΆα αα·α αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααα β’β ααααααα½α: $1800 (α αα αΆαααΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ: 4m x 29m β’β ααα ααααα: 4m x 22m β’ ααααααααα : 8 β’ ααααααααΉα : 9 β’ ααααα»α: 7m β’ αααααα: 5 ααΆαα β’ββ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα English Below__ Shophouse for Rent at Toul Kork π Good location on main road, downtown location, near market, school and hospital, easy to do all kinds of business. β’ Price for Rent : $1800 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 4m x 29m β’ House size: 4m x 22m β’ Bedrooms: 8 β’ Bathrooms: 9 β’β In front: 7m β’β Story: 5 floors β’ Contract long-term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 099880804 @Sreymey01 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107 / 061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
π ααααα’αΆααΈααααα2ααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααααααα»α π°ααααααα½α: $2500αα»ααααΆα /αα(α αα αΆα)(αααα»ααα½α ) -ααα αααΈ: 13α x 25α -ααα ααααα: 8α x 18α -ααααααααΉα: 8 -ααΆααα»αααα: 5α -αααααα2ααΆαα >αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα πααΈααΆααααα’ααΆααΈααααα»ααα ααα’αααααΆααααΆαααΎαααΆαααα»αα αα»α α« ααΆα’αΆααΈααααααααααα αα·αααααΆα ααΆααΆααα αα·α αααααΈααααα ββ-English Belowβββ π 2 Shop house for rent at Khan Sen sok π°Price for rent: $2500/month (nego) -Land Size: 13m x 25m -Home Size: 8m x 18m -Bathroom: 8 -In front: 5m -story: E0, E1 , E2 >Contract long-Term #For More Information can contact: βοΈαααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888110/061888107/061888101/095888107 Telegram:060573820 @Sreynuch888π©π© Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegrams group: https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα ααΉαααΆα‘αΆα β’ ααααααα½α: $1000 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ : 5m x 25m β’ ααα ααααα : 5m x 18m β’ ααααααααα : 8 β’ ααααααααΉα : 10 β’ ααΆααα»αααα: 7m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα αα ααΎαααααΌααα αα·αααααΆα,ααΆααΆααα , αααααΈααααα πααΆαααααααααααΉαααααΎαααααΆαα πααΆαααααααΎααΆα αΆα αα·αα’αΆα ααΆαααΎα’αΈααΈαααααααΆαα αααΎααα»αααα ________English Below________ Shophouse forβ rent at Boeng Salang β’ Price for Rent : $1000 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 5m x 25m β’ Houses size: 5m x 18m β’ Bedrooms: 8 β’ Bathrooms: 10 β’ In front : 7m β’ Contract Long-Term π‘Features of the house πGood location, Downtown on main road ,near market, school hospital πHave water and electricity system πSuitableΒ as shop and can do more businessπ #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107/ 061888101 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
β‘οΈπ ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα ααααΆααααααΆα πααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααΈααααα»ααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΆαααα αα·αααΎαα’αΆααΈααααα ααααΆαααααααααβ _ ααααααα½α: $ 2,800 (α αα αΆα) _ααα αααΈ β: 4.5m x 23m _ ααα ααααα:β 4.5m x 18m _β ααααααααα: 8 _ ααααααααΉα:β 9 _ αααααΆααα»α5m _ αααααα: E0_E3 _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα _English Below_ β‘οΈπ‘Shop houseΒ for rent atΒ phsar kondal πGood location, downtown ara , easy to stay open for all kinds of business . _ Price for rent: $ 2,800 (negotiable) _ Land β size: 4.5m x 23m _ House size: .5m x 18m _ Bedroom: 8 _ Bathroom: 9 _ In front: 5m _ Story:Β E0_E3 _ Contract Long-Term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 099880804 @Sreymey01 Hotline:061888101 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα½αααααΌα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»αααβ α’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα αααΎαααααααα β’ ααααααα½α : $1,300 α αα αΆααΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4,2m x 27m β’ ααα ααααα: 4,2m x 21m β’ ααααααααα : 8/ ααααααααΉα : 10 β’β ααααα»α4m αα·ααααααβ 2m English Below___ Shophouse for rentβ at Toul Tum Pung π Good location, downtown can do many kinds of business. β’ Price for rent: $1,300 negotiable . Land size: 4,2m x 27m . House size: 4,2m x 21m β’ Bedrooms: 8/ Bathrooms: 10 β’ In front 4m and Back 2m β‘οΈFor more information can contact: βοΈααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel : https://t.me/iquickrealty
Tuol Tom poung
π‘ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆα ααΎαααααΌα πααααααα½αβ: $Β 2,000 α αα αΆα _ ααα αααΈ: 8m x 22m _ ααα ααααα: 8m x 18m _ αααααααααβ: 8 , ααααααααΉα: 10 _ββ ααααα»α: 4m, _ ααααα»α:E0_E2 #2 ααααα(αααα»ααα½α ) π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β αααααααααΆα ααΈααααα»αααΒ (ααΆααααα½ααα·αααΎα’ααΈααααααααααααααααπ) πααααα»αααααΌααΆα English Below π‘2Shophouse for Rent atΒ Phsar Derm T’kov πPrice for rent: $ 2,000 nego _ Land size: 8m x 22m _ House size: 8m x 18m _ Bedroom:β 8, Bathroom: 10 _ In front: 4m _ Story :E0_E2 π‘Features of the house πGood location, near downtown Supermarket (Convenint and open to all KindsΒ of business π) π Rain system available π Wide face rest ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams: 099880804 @Sreymey 01 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel :Β https://t.me/iquickrealty