ποΈLA Link house For Rent In Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Snor (AT) π Rental price: 850 $ / month (nego) π Land size: 5m x 20m π House size 5m x 12m π Bedrooms: 4 π Bathrooms: 5 π Equipped with 4 air conditioners, 1 wooden sofa, 1 table, 1 set of bed and mattress, 1 set of refrigerator, 1 stove, 2 hot and cold water, and curtains. π South turn π Remaining land in front 6m πBack rest 2m πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
ποΈ Shop house for rent: Borey Chipmong 271 β Rent Price $1500 /Mouth πLand size 5.5mx28m πHouse size 5mx17m π 4 bedroom π 5Bathrooms π No furniture πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα»ααΈ α‘α»αααΈ αα½ααααα π°ααααααα½α: $500 (α αα αΆα) -ααα αααΈ: 4m x 20m -ααα ααααα: 4m x 16m -ααααααααα: 4 -ααααααααΉα: 5 -ααΆααα»αααα: 2.5m β -ααΆααααααααα: 1.5m -αα·αααΆααααααΆαα >αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ββ-English Belowβββ Shophouse for rent at borey LongNy Toul Pong Ro π°Price for rent: $500 (negotiable) -Land Size: 4m x 20m -Home Size: 4m x 16m -Bedroom: 4 -Bathroom: 5 -In front: 2.5m -Back: 1.5m -Furniture:0 >Contract long-Term #For More Information can contact: βοΈααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegrams group: https://t.me/iquickrealty
ποΈShop House for rent β Location Borey Peng Huoth, Boeung Sno, Project 7 πRental price: $ 1,000 / Month (Nego) π Land size: 7.5m x 21m πHouse size: 4.5m x 14m πThe rest of the land is 5m in front and 2m behind π rest: 3m π4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms πHouse facing east πThere are some materials πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα ααααΆααα»αααααΆ β’ ααααααα½α: $800 α αα αΆαααΆααα·α αα½α β’ ααα αααΈ 4m x 23m β’β ααα ααααα: 4m x 18m β’ ααααααααα: 4/ ααααααααΉα: 4 β’ ααααα»α: 4m /αααααααα: 2m β’ ααΆααααΆαααΈααααααΆαα α‘ααααΏα ==>ααΈααΆααααα’ αα·αααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααΆαα αααΎααααααα α ______English Below_______ Shophouse for rent at Sovanna Market β’ Price for rent: $800 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 23m β’ House size: 4m x 18m β’ Bedrooms: 4/ Bathrooms: 4 β’ In front: 4m / Back: 2m β’ Have 1AC ==>Good location, close to markets and schools, easy to do many kinds of business. #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 https://t.me/riinaag022 Hotline: 061888105/061888107/095888107
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆααααααΆα β’ ααααααα½α : $1,300 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 22m β’ ααα ααααα : 4m x 16m β’ ααααααααα : 4 β’ ααααααααΉα : 5 β’ααΆααα»αααα: 6m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌαααααΆα ______English Below________ Shophouse for rent at Phsar Kandal β’ Price for rent: $1,300 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 22m β’ Houses size: 4m x 16m β’ Bedrooms: 4 β’ Bathrooms: 5 β’ In front : 6m β’ Contract long-term π₯Contact telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107/ 061888108 / 061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
#αααααα½ααα»ααΈα ααααΆααααααα½α πααααα300$ πααα1ααα1 π4ααααααααα 4ααααααααΉα πααΆααααΆαα»αΈααααααΆαα1 π²086576526
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α ααΉαααααα β’ ααααααα½α : $1000 α α αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 24m β’ ααα ααααα 4m x 20m β’ ααααααααα : 4 β’ ααααααααΉα :Β 4 β’ ααααα»α:β4-5m πααΈααΆααααα’ αααααΈααΆα ααΆαααα»αααααααα α αααΎα ααΆααααααΌαα’αΆααΈααααα ααΆααααα½αααααα ααΊααΎαoffice ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαααααααααααα α _____English Below_____ Shophouse for rent at Boeng Keng Kong β’ Price for rent: $1000 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 24m β’ House size: 4m x 20m β’ Bedrooms: 4 β’ Bathrooms: 4 β’ In front: 4-5m π Good location, Can sell goods, Have many people to living, On a business street, Easy to living or open Office and can open many kinds business. π±ααααααΆααααααα: 081960530 (ααααααααΆα) πTel: 061888105/061888107/095888107
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα»ααΈαααααΈαα 6A β’ ααααααα½α : $700 α α αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4,2m x 24m β’ ααα ααααα 4,2m x 18m β’ ααααααααα : 4 β’ ααααααααΉα :Β 5 β’ ααααα»α:β4m β’ αααααααα: 2m πααααααααααααααΈααα’αΆαβ ααα·ααΆααΆαααα’ ααΆααααααααα»αα’αα·αααααα ααΆααααα½αααααα αα·αααΎαα’αΆααΈααααα ααΆαα·ααΆαααααΆαα _____English Below_____ Shophouse for rent at Borey Orkide 6A β’ Price for rent: $700 negotiable β’ Land size: 4.2m x 24m β’ House size: 4.2m x 18m β’ Bedrooms: 4 β’ Bathrooms: 5 β’ In front: 4m β’ Back: 2m π New House, good atmosphere, Developing areas, Easy to living and can open business or Office. π±ααααααΆααααααα: 081960530 (ααααααααΆα) πTel: 061888105/061888107/095888107
Phnom Penh
#αααααα½ααα αα»ααΈαααααααα·ααΆααααααα½α παα½α350$ π4ααααααααα 5ααααααααΉα πααΆααααΆαα»αΈααααααΆαα1 ααΆα‘α»ααααΈ1αα»α ααααααα1 πααα2ααα1 π²086576526
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα»ααΈ ααααα α½α ααΉαααααα β’ ααααααα½α : $900 α αα αΆααΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 20m β’ ααα ααααα: 4m x 14m β’ ααααααααα : 4/ ααααααααΉα : 5 πααΈααΆααααα’β α’αΆα αααααα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαααΌα ααΆβ α αΆαααΆα ααα α αααΆαααΆαααΈ α¬ααΆα‘αααΆααΎαα βββ-English Belowβββ- Shophouse for rentβ at Borey Peng Houth, Beoung Snor β’ Price for rent: $900 negotiable . Land size: 4m x 20m . House size: 4m x 14m β’ Bedrooms: 4/ Bathrooms: 5 πGood location for doing business such as coffee shop, pharmacy or salon. β‘οΈFor more information can contact: βοΈααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/095888107 Telegrams: 077399194 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel : https://t.me/iquickrealty
αα»ααΈ ααααα α½α
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβ αα½αααα βπααΈααΆααααα’ αα ααΈααααα»ααα αααααααααΆαββ ααΆααΆααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααα β’ ααααααα½α: $600 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈβ : 4.2m x 25m β’ ααα ααααα: 4.2m x 22m β’ ααααααααα : 4 β’ ααααααααΉα : 3 β’ ααΆααα»αααα: 3m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ________English Below________ Shophouse forβ rent at Toul Kork π Good location in town, near market, school, easy to do business. β’ Price for Rent : $600 negotiable β’ Land Size: 4.2m x 25m β’ Houses size: 4.2m x 22m β’ Bedrooms: 4 β’ Bathrooms: 3 β’ In front: 3m β’ Contract long term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107/061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆαααααΉαααΆααααααααΈ β’ ααααααα½α: $850 α αα αΆαααΆα β’ ααα αααΈ 4m x 18m β’ βααα ααααα 4m x 16m β’ ααααααααα: 4/ ααααααααΉα: 3 β’ ααααα»α: 2m β’ αααααα 2ααΆαα β’ αα»αααααΆ 2ααααΆαα‘αΎα ==>ααΈααΆααααα’ αα·αααααΆα ααΆααααααααααααααα’αΆααΈαααααα ______English Below_______ Shophouse for rent at Steung Mean Chey β’ Price for rent: $850 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 18m β’ House size: 4m x 16m β’ Bedrooms: 4 /Bathrooms: 3 β’ In front: 2m β’ Story: E0-E1 ==>Good location near the market, suitable for all kinds of business. #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 Hotline: 061888105/061888107/095888107
ααααα’αΆααΈαααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααΉααααα‘β πααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααΈααααα»ααα αααααααααΆαβ ααΆααΆααα αα·αβ αααααΈααααααβ ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααΎαααΆα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα αααΎαααααααα _ ααααααα½α: $1000 (α αα αΆαααΆα) _ ααα αααΈβ: 10m x 16m _ ααα ααααα:9m x 11m _β ααααααααα: 4 _ ααααααααΉαβ: 3 _ ααααα»αβ: 5m _ αααααΆαα1m _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ______ English Below _______ Shophouse for rent at Beong kok1 πGood location, downtown location, near school hospital, and market, good to open for all business. _ Price for rent: $1000 (negotiable) _ Land size: 10m x 16m _ House size:9m x 11m _ Bedroom: 4 _ Bathroom: 3 _ In front: 5m _ Side:1m _ Contract Long-Term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888101 / 061888107 / 061888110 / 095888107/061888105 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ποΈShop house for sale and rent in Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Sno Rental price: $ 1500 / month (Nego) π Land size: 10 x 26m πHouse size: 5 x 14m πFront rest: 8m πBack:: 4m π 4 bedrooms π Bathroom 5 π East π Full material π Good location for living and doing business, safe and comfortable β Location: Borey Peng Huoth, Khan Chbar Ampov πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
ποΈShop house for sale and rent in Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Sno Rental price: $ 1500 / month (Nego) π Land size: 5 x 23m πHouse size: 5 x 14m π 4 bedrooms π Bathroom 5 π East π Good location for living and doing business, safe and comfortable β Location: Borey Peng Huoth, Khan Chbar Ampov πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
ποΈShop house for rent in Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Sno Rental price: $ 1,100 / month (Nego) π Land size: 5 x 21m πHouse size: 5 x 14m πFront rest: 5m πBack:: 2m π 4 bedrooms π Bathroom 5 π North β Location: Borey Peng Huoth, Khan Chbar Ampov πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααΆαααα½αββ βαα αα»ααΈαα·α’ααααΈααα 2004 β π ααΈααΆααααα’ ααααα ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααΆααααα½ααααααΆααααΆαααααΆαααα ααααααααααΆαα»αααΆα ααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆααααα»αααΆαααααα ααααααΆααα’αΆα ααΎαααΆααΆαα·ααΆαααααΆααΎαα β’β ααααααα½α: $1000 (α αα αΆα) β’ ααα αααΈ: 6m x 23m β’β ααα ααααα: 4.2m x 16m β’ ααααααααα: 4 β’ ααααααααΉα : 5 β’ ααααα»α: 6m β’ αααααΆαα 1.8m β’ αααααααα: 2m β’ββ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ________English Below__________ Shophouse Corner for Rent at Borey Orkide 2004 π Good location near schools, and hospitals, can living for comfortable, security to live and can open an office. β’ Price for Rent : $1000 (negotiable) β’ Land size: 6m x 23m β’ House size: 4.2m x 16m β’ Bedroom: 4 β’ Bathroom: 5 β’β In front: 5m β’β Back: 2m β’β Side: 1.8m β’ Contract long term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 Hotline: 061888110 / 061888107 / 061888105 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αααααΌαβ 598 _ ααααααα½α: $1,000 (α αα αΆα) _ααα αααΈ β: 4m x 28m _ ααα ααααα: 4m x 18m _β ααααααααα: 4 _ ααααααααΉα:β 5 _ ααααα»α: 6m _ αααααααα: 4 _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΆααααααΌααα πααΆααααααα»ααααααΆααααΆαααααΎα’αΆααΈααααα πααΆαα αααααααΌααΆα βββEnglish Belowββ- Shophouse for rent at street 598 _ Price for rent: $1,000 (negotiable) _ Land βsize: 4m x 28m _ House size: 4m x 18m _ Bedroom: 4 _ Bathroom: 5 _ In front: 6m _ Back: 4m _ Contract Long-Term π‘Features of the house πGood location,next the main road πGood for all business πParking available #For For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
π Shop house for rent βLocation Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Sno Project 7 Polaris 2 β Rental price: $ 700 / Month β Land size: 4.5m x 21m β House size: 4.5m x 16m Remaining land 5m in front and 2m behind β 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms β East facing house β Fully equipped πContact :086481687/ 078783513 πContact Teiegram @Sokhorn_Agency79 πααΆαα’α ααααααααααα’αααΆα αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1 πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19 πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh
Phnom Penh