6 properties
Location: Sangkat Kok Chak Siem Reap city
Asking prices : $3500/month
- 10 Unit
- Large Parking lot
- Swimming Pool
- Garden
- Factuality
- 1200 sqm
Location: Sangkat Kok chak Siem Reap city
-8 Unit
-2 Bedroom 7Unit
-1 Bedroom 1Unit
-washing Machin
-Dining Table
-Living Room
-Large Parking lot
-Swimming Pool
Siem Reap
• តម្លៃជួល : $4,000 ចរចាបាន
• ទំហំដី : 9m x 28m
• ទំហំផ្ទះ: 8m x 21m
• 2បន្ទប់គេង : 4units
• 1បន្ទប់គេង: 6units
• បន្ទប់គេងសរុប: 15
• បន្ទប់ទឹកសរុប: 24
👉ទីតាំងល្អ ជិតផ្សារ
👉 កុងត្រាបានយូរ
__English Below_____
Building for rent at back of Russia Hospital
• Price for rent: $4,000 negotiable
• Land size: 9m x 28m
• House size: 8m x 21m
• 2Bedroom: 4units
• 1bedroom: 6units
• Total bedroom: 15
• Total Bathroom: 24
🏡Features of the house
👉 Good location, near market
👉 Have water and electricity system
👉 Furniture as in the picture
👉 Contract long-term
ទូរសព្ទ័ទំនាក់ទំនងរហ័ស: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107
Telegrams: 077399194 @rinaa0168
Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com
Telegram’s Channel : https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
🏢អាគារសម្រាប់ ជួល នៅលើផ្លូវម៉ៅសេទុង / Building for rent
💥 តម្លៃជួល : 9,000$ (ចរចា)
💫ទំហំដីសរុប :20m x 25m
💫ទំហំអាគារ : 20m x 20m
💫បន្ទប់16 បន្ទប់ទឹក 9
💫កម្ពស់ 3ជាន់
💫 សំភារះមានដូចក្នុងរូប
📌ទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅលើផ្លូវ ម៉ៅសេទុង សង្កាត់ទួលទំពូង ចំការមន ភ្នំពេញ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ ។
☎️ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានលម្អិត / Detail Information:
📲 តាមរយះលេខ : 085493148 / 086340838
📲 តាមតេឡេក្រាម: https://t.me/samphorsmon168
Phnom Penh
Building for rent
Property code: BBD23-015
Rental fee 租金: 8,000$/month
Land size 土地面积: 10m x 20m
Total floor 总楼层: 3
Bathroom 浴室: 6
Location 地址: Sen Sok district, Phnom Penh
Contact number 联系方式: 070 722 337 / 098 999 862
Sen Sok
Building for rent
Property code: BBD23-013
Rental fee 租金: 2,300$/month
Land size 土地面积: 7m x 25m
House size 房子面积: 7m x 23m
Total floor 总楼层: 3
Room 房间: 8
Bathroom 浴室:10
Location 地址: Sen Sok district, Phnom Penh
Contact number 联系方式: 070 722 337 / 098 999 862
Sen Sok