ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα ααΉαααα’αα πααΈααΆαααα·αααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆα’αΆαααΈα’αΊααα»α ααααααααΈααα’αΆα ααααααΆααα’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα ααααααα½α α $750 α αα αΆαααΆα – ααα αααΈ : 4.2m x 30m – ααα ααααα : 4.2m x 25m – ααααααααα: 3 , ααααααααΉα: – ααααααααααΉαααΆααααααΆααααΈ – αααααΈαα»α: 4m βββ-English Below ββββ Shophouse for rent at Tek La’ak Price for rent: $750 negotiable π Location near Asia Europe Market and School, nice new house can do business. _ Land size: 4.2m x 30m _ House size: 4.2m x 25m _ Bedroom: 3 Bathroom:β 2 _ Only Ground floor _ln front: 4m #for more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101/ 061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα ααΉαααα’αα πααΈααΆαααα·αααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆα’αΆαααΈα’αΊααα»α ααααααααΈααα’αΆα ααααααΆααα’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα ααααααα½α α $750 α αα αΆαααΆα – ααα αααΈ : 4.2m x 30m – ααα ααααα : 4.2m x 25m – ααααααααα: 3 , ααααααααΉα: – ααααααααααΉαααΆααααααΆααααΈ – αααααΈαα»α: 4m βββ-English Below ββββ Shophouse for rent at Tek La’ak Price for rent: $750 negotiable π Location near Asia Europe Market and School, nice new house can do business. _ Land size: 4.2m x 30m _ House size: 4.2m x 25m _ Bedroom: 3 Bathroom:β 2 _ Only Ground floor _ln front: 4m #for more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101/ 061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα ααΉαααααα πααΈααΆααααα’ααΎααααΌααα ααΆαα αααααααΌααΆα ααΆααααααααααααααα’αΆααΈααααα α π° ααααααα½α : $1,200Β α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ: 5m x 40m β’ ααα ααααα: 5m x 35m β’ ααααααααα: 3; ααααααααΉα: 2 β’ ααΆααααΆαααΈααααααΆααα’ααααΏα β’ ααΆααα»ααααβ: 8m , αααααααα: 5m β’ ααααααααααΉαααΆααααααα ββEnglish Belowββ Shophouse for rentΒ at Boeng Keng Kong π Good location on the main road, large parking, suitable for all kinds of business. π°Price for rent: $1,200 negotiable β’ Land size: 5m x 40m β’ House size: 5m x 35m β’ Bedroom: 3; Bathroom: 2 β’ Furniture: AC2 β’ In front: 8m, Back: 5m β’ Story: Only E0 #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107/061888110/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααααΆαααΎαααααΌα β’ ααααααα½α: $1,300 α αα αΆαααΆα β’ ααα αααΈ 4m x 24m β’ βααα ααααα 4m x 20m β’ ααααααααα: 3/ ααααααααΉα: 10 β’ ααααα»α: 4m ==>ααΈααΆααααα’ ααααα»ααα αααααααΆααΆααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααααΆααααααααααααα ______English Below_______ Shophouse for Rent at Phsar Derm Thkov β’ Price for rent: $1,300 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 24m β’ House size: 4m x 20m β’ Bedrooms: 3 /Bathrooms: 10 β’ In front: 4m ==>Good location, town near school, easy to do all kinds of business. #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 Hotline: 061888105/061888107/095888107
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα αα½αααααΆααααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα α’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα αααΎαααααααααΌα ααΆ αααααΈαααααΆα α αΆαααΆα ααα ααΆα‘α α αααΆαααΆαααΈ ααα π°ααααααα½α α 900 αα»ααααΆα/αα π ααα αααΈ : 4m x 20m π ααα ααααα : 4m x 16m π ααααααααα: 3 , ααααααααΉα: 4 π αααααΈαα»α: 4m π αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα βββ-English Below ββββ Shophouse for rent at Toul Svay Prey πGood location, downtown can do many kinds of business such as restaurant, cafe, salon, pharmacy π° Price for rent: $900 /month π Land size: 4m x 20m π House size: 4m x 16m π Bedroom: 3 ; Bathroom:β 4 π ln front: 4m πContract long-term #for more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101/ 061888105 / 061888107 / 061888110 /095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
αααααα½α 250$/1αα ααΈααΆαα αα αα»ααΈα‘αΆααα»αα ααα α ααΈααααΆαααα»ααααα’αΆα α αα‘αΆαααΆα… ααΆαααααααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆα αα·ααα·α ααΉα αααααααΆαααααα 015333 060
α ααα α
π£ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α π Property ID:1712 βοΈαααααΆααααααααΆαααααααα 012 812 218 / 015 812 218 / 087 812 218 #houseforrent #borey #sensok #house #rent
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααα½α αα ααααΆααααααΌ β’ ααααααα½α:β $950 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ: 4m x 25m β’ ααα ααααα: 4m x 20m β’ ααααααααα: 3 / ααααααααΉα: 2 β’ ααΆαα ααα 5m πααΈααΆααααα’ αα·αααααΆα αα·αααΆααΆ ααΆααααααααααααααα’αΆααΈαααααα _____English Below_____ Shophouse for rent at Phsar Depor β’ Price for rent: $950 Negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 25m β’ House size: 4m x 20m β’ Bedrooms: 3/Bathrooms: 2 β’ Parking 5m π Good location near Market and Boeng Keng Kong School, suitable for all business. #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060574830 @Sreynuch888 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107/061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααα αααααΆαααα½ααα αα»ααΈ KHM ααααα»αααααΆαααααΎα Kmall πααΈααΆααααα’β ααααΌααα ααα»αααα ααα αΌαα αααΎα αααααααααΆαααααΎα ααΆααΆααα ααααΆα αα·α αααααΈαααααα ααΆααααα½αααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααααααααααααα α _ ααααααα½α: $1,400 (α α αΆαααΆα) _ ααα αααΈ: 4.2m x 22m _ ααα ααααα: 4.2m x 18m _ ααααααααα: 3 _ ααααααααΉα: 4 _ ααΆααα»αααα: 5m _ αααααΆαααααα: 2.5m _ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ______English Below______ Shophouses for rent at Borey KHM in front of K Mall πGood location, downtown location, near mall, school, market and hospital, good to open for all business. _ Price rent : 1,400$ (negotiable) _ Land size: 4.2m x 22m _ House size: 4.2m x 18m _ Bedroom : 3 _ Bathroom: 4 _ In front: 5m _ Back: 2.5m _ Contract for long term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107 / 061888110 / 095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα αα½αααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα ααΆααααααααΆααααΎαααΆβα αΆααααα’αα»α α αΆαααΆα ααα ααΆα‘α ααβα π° ααααααα½α : $500 /αα β’ ααα αααΈ: 4.5m x 25m β’ ααα ααααα: 4.5m x 21m β’ ααααααααα: 3 β’ ααααααααΉα: 3 β’ ααΆααα»ααααβ: 4m β’ αα»αααααΆα’ααααΆα αααα’αα αααα‘αα ββEnglish Belowββ Shophouse for rent at Touk Kork π Good location, downtown, suitable for laundry, coffee shop, salon, etc. . Price for rent: $500/month β’ Land size: 4.5 x 25m β’ House size: 4.5m x 21m β’ Bedroom: 3 β’ Bathroom: 3 β’ In front: 4m β’ Contract 2years Deposit: 2months and Pay1month #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107/061888110/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααΉαααααα αα·α πααααααα½αβ: $700 (α αα αΆα) _ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 23m _ ααα ααααα:β 4m x 21m _ αααααααααβ:3, ααααααααΉα: 3 _ββ ααααα»α:2m _ αααααα E0,E1 π‘ααααα:αα·ααααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’β ααΎααααΌαααααΆα πβαα αααααααααΆα ααΆααΆααα α’αΆααΆααΆαα·αααααααααα π ααα’αααααΆααααΆαααΎαααΆαααα»αα αα»α αααΆααΆα αααααΆααααΆαααααΆαααα αααααΆαα α’αΆα ααΎαααΆα‘α α αΆαααΆα ααα α¬α’αΆααΈααααα Online ααα __English Below__ Shophouse for rent at BKK πPrice for rent: $700 negotiable _ Land size:Β 4m x 23m _ House size: 4m x 21m _ Bedroom:3, Bathroom: 3 _ In front: 2m _ Story: E0,E1 π‘Features of the house πGood location near market πNear market And School π Good for open Company ,bank can to be open Company, salon, Coffee or Online Shop ααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110 Telegrams:β 060573820 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel :Β https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααΈα‘αΆααΌαααΆαα αααααΆαααα½ααα αα»ααΈ αα»αααααα β’ ααααααα½α: $600 α αα αΆαααΆα β’ ααα αααΈ 6m x 20m β’ βααα ααααα 6m x 12m β’ ααααααααα: 3/ ααααααααΉα: 3 β’ ααααα»α: 4m β’ αααααααα 1m ==> ααααααα’αΆα ααα·ααΆααΆαααα’ ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααα α ______English Below_______ Link Villa for Rent at Borey Sopheak Mongkol β’ Price for rent: $600 negotiable β’ Land size: 6m x 16m β’ House size: 6m x 12m β’ Bedrooms: 3/ Bathrooms: 3 β’ In front: 4m β’ Back: 1m ==>Clean house, Good atmosphere, easy to living. #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 060573820 Hotline: 061888105/061888107/095888107
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα αα½αααα πααΈααΆααααα’β αααα·ααααα»ααααααααΆααααααΆαα»αα»αααααα αα·αααααΆα ααΆααΆααα ααΆααααααααΆααα’αΆααΈααααααααααααααααα π°ααααααα½α α $1,800 αα»ααααΆ (α αα αΆα) – ααα αααΈ α 9m x 20m – ααα ααααα α 9m xβ 16mβ, αααααΈαα»α 4m – ααααααΆαααααααααΆαα·ααΆααα1;ααααααααα 3 αα·α ααααααααΉα 5 – αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα βββ{English Below}βββ- Shophouse for rent at Toul Kork π π Good location near high potential area, market, Sangkat for business. π°Price For rent : $1,800 /month – Land Size: 9m x 20m – Home size : 9m x16m , In front: 4m – Office room 1; Bedrooms: 3 and Bathrooms: 5 – Contract Long-term #For more information can contact: Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 π©π© βοΈHotline: 061888101/061888105/061888110 / 061888107/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα ααααΆααααααΌ πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΎααααΌααα α’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα αααΎαααααααβααΌα ααΆ βααααααααααα‘αΆαβ αααααΆαααΌ α αααΆαααΆαααΈ …α π° ααααααα½α : $1,300Β α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ: 4,8m x 39m β’ ααα ααααα: 4,8m x 33m β’ ααααααααα: 3; ααααααααΉα: 3 β’ ααΆααα»ααααβ: 6m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ββEnglish Belowββ Shophouse for rent at Phsar Depo π Good location on the main road, can do many kinds of business, such as selling car tires, selling car tires …. π°Price for rent: $1,300 negotiable β’ Land size: 4,8m x 39m β’ House size: 4,8m x 33m β’ Bedroom: 3; Bathroom: 3 β’ In front: 6m β’ Contract Long-term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107/061888110/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½α αα αα½αααα πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα α’αΆα ααααΎα’αΆααΈαααααααΆαα αααΎαααααααααΌα ααΆβ α αΆαααΆα α αΆαααα ααΆα‘α α αΆααααα’αα»αβ….α π° ααααααα½α : $600Β α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ: 4m x 18m β’ ααα ααααα: 4m x 15m β’ ααααααααα: 3; ααααααααΉα: 3 β’ ααΆααα»ααααβ: 3m β’ αα»αααααΆααΆαααΌα ββEnglish Belowββ Shophouse for rentΒ at Toul Kork π Good location, downtown can do many kinds of business such as restaurant, cake shop, salon, laundry Shop …. π°Price for rent: $600 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 18m β’ House size: 4m x 15m β’ Bedroom: 3; Bathroom: 3 β’ In front: 3m β’ Contract long-term #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Hotline: 061888101 /061888105/ 061888107/061888110/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαα ααα α¬ αα½α αα αα·αααααΆαααααΉαααΆααααααααΈ πααΈααΆααααα’ ααΈααααα»ααα αααααααααΆαβ ααΆααΆααα αααααΈααααα ααααααα’αΆα ααα’αααααΆααααΆαααααα , ααΆααααα·αααΎαααΆαα·ααΆααα π° ααααααα½α : $600Β α αα αΆα π° αααααααα : $11,9000 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ: 7m x 22m β’ αααααα 2ααΆαα -ααΆααααΈ1 β’ ααααααααα: 2 β’ ααααααααΉα: 3 -ααΆααααΈ2 (ααΆααααααααΈ αα·αααΆααα αΌααα ) β’ ααααααααα 1 β’ ααααααααΉα 2 αααααΆαααααααααΆααααααΆα Telegram: 069 854 686 Hot line: 069 854 686 / 078 547 799 ββEnglish Belowββ House for rent or saleΒ at Steung Meanchey πGood location, downtown, near market, school, hospital, clean house, good for living, suitable for office π°Price for rent: $600 (negotiable) For Sale: $119,000 only (negotiable) β’ Land size: 7m x 22m β’ 2 Floor -1st Floor β’ Bedroom: 2 β’ Bathroom: 3 -2nd Floor (NEW) β’ 1 bedroom β’ 2 bathrooms #For more information can contact: π₯Telegram: 069 854 686 Hotline: 069 854 686 / 078 547 799 Email: Soksreyneath91@gmail.com
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αβαα αα½αααααΌα β’ ααααααα½α : $550 α αα αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 5m x 25m β’ ααα ααααα : 5m x18m β’ ααααααααα: 3/ ααααααααΉα: 3 β’ ααααα»α : 5m ==>ααΈααΆααααα’ αα αααααααααΆα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααααΆαααα αα·αβα’αΆα ααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααααααααα βββ-English belowβββ Shophouse for rent atβ Toul Tum Pung β’ Price for rent: $550 negotiable β’ Land size: 5m x 25m β’ House size: 5m x18m β’ Bedrooms : 3/ Bathrooms: 3 β’ In front : 5m ==> Good location near the market easy to live and can open an another business. π₯Contact telegram: 0969208686 @Sreynech99 Hotline: 061888101/061888107/061888105/095888107 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegram group. https://t.me/iquickrealty
Tuol Tom poung
αααααα½ααα ααααΆααααααΌ _ααααααα½αβ: $500 α αα αΆα _ααα αααΈ 4,2m x 29m _ααα ααααα: 4,2m x 24m _ααΆα 3ααααααααα αα·α 3ααααααααΉα _ααααααααααΉαααΆααααααα πααΈααΆααααα’αααααΆααααΆαααααΆαααα αα·αααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααααααΆαααΌα ααΆαα βββEnglish Belowββ- Shophouse for rent at Phsar Depo π°Price for rent: $500Β negotiable _ Land size: 4,2m x 29m _ House size: 4,2m x 24m _ Have 3Bedrooms and 3Bathrooms _ Story Ground floor π Location good for living and can do small business. βοΈααΌααααααααααΆαααααααα αα: 061888101/061888105/061888107/061888110/095888107 Telegrams: 077399194 @rinaa0168 Email: iquickrealty168@gmail.com Telegramβs Channel :Β https://t.me/iquickrealty
ααααΆααα’αΆααΈααααααα½ααα αα½αααα – ααααααα½α $ 1,000/αα (α αα αΆ) – ααα αααΈ 12m x 17m – ααα αααααΆαα 12m x 17m – ααΆαααααααααα 3 αα·αααααααααΉα 1 – αααααΆααααααΎα 32A – ααΈααΆααααα’αααααΆααααΎαα’αΆααΈααααααα·ααααα»ααααα·α ββββββββββββββββββ Warehouse for rent at Toul Kork – Rental Price $ 1,000/Month (Negotiate) – Land size 12m x 17m – Warehouse size 12m x 17m – 3 Bedroom and 1 Bathroom – Electricity 32A – Great location for doing business and storage βοΈ αααααΆααααααααΆααααα’α·αα 017 706 128 / 068 841 851 Property Code: PP107055 Telegram: https://t.me/e_onn Channel: https://t.me/warehouse168 Website: www.rentkh.com FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/warehouseforrent168
Phnom Penh
ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½ααα ααΉαααΆα‘αΆα β’ ααααααα½α : $600 α α αΆα β’ ααα αααΈ : 4m x 20m β’ ααα ααααα :Β 4m x 20m β’ ααααααααα: 3/ ααααααααΉα: 3 πααΈααΆααααα’ αααααααΆααΆααα ααΆααααα½ααααα»αααΆαααΎαα’αΆααΈαααααα _____English Below_____ Shophouse rent at Boeng Salang β’ Price for rent: $600 negotiable β’ Land size: 4m x 20m β’ House size: 4m x 20m β’ Bedrooms: 3/ Bathrooms: 3 β’ In front: 4m πGood location near the school, easy to do business. For more information can contact: π©Telegram: 077399194 ( https://t.me/riinaag022 ) Hotline: 061888105/061888107/095888107