Luxury VIPs Cars Rental Service in CambodiaΒ ααΎααααα»α αααααααα α·ααααα»αααΆααααααααααα»α αααα»αααΆααααααααΌαααΌαααααΆαααααα½αααααααααααααααααααα·ααααααααΆ VIPs αα ααΆααα’αα·αα·ααααΆααα’αα…α α’αα·αα·αα α’αΆα ααααΎααΆααααααΆαα»α ααΌαααααααααααΎαα ααΈααΆαααΎααααα»αααΆαααααααααααααΆ…α We are offering Luxury Cars Rental Service with your needs. Our TelegramοΌΒ WeChat οΌ SayNisay168 Phone ContactοΌΒ – (+855) 097 551 7071 – (+855) 092 50 30 11 – (+855) 010 42 75 23
Phnom Penh
αα½ααααΈααα ! α‘αΆααααααΆαααα½αααΆα ! 1 Toyota Alphard 017 Up 023 2 Toyota Alphard 015 3 Toyota Alphard 013 Up 021 4 Corolla Cross 023 5 Lexus RX400h 06 6 Lexus HS250h 010 7 Lexus GS300 06 8 Toyota Prius 012 9 Toyota Prius 06 # 070 797 555 . 077 489 894
Phnom Penh
Dear Sir or Madam, Warmest greeting from Asia Explorer Travel, Our Service Vehicle Rental and Transport in Cambodia, Service Rental without driver We are Provide Rental Daily, Monthly and Yearly, Cost for Rental and Brand Name of Cars. Type Style Model Year Monthly Basic Exclude Driver 1-Honda CRV (Silver)year 1999 2-Lexus RX300 (white) year 2001 3-Lexus RX300 (Black) Year 1999 4-highlander (Silver) Year 2004 5-highlander (Black) Year 2001 6-Lexus LX470 (Black) Year 2000 7- Rang Rover (Gray) Year 2006 8-Toyota Camry (Gold)year 2002 9-Toyota Prius (Silver)year2006 All Kind of cars for rent we have cover cars insurance; Can Negotiable on Rental special price for long time and All Kind of Cars for Rental Excluding Gasoline and Driver Cost. Please Contact us: 092850225, 070705544 Welcome English or Khmer Languages Booking for Rental
Phnom Penh
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Phnom Penh